I love reading and have always been hunting for a better understanding of how the world works.
This annotated syllabus chronicles the ongoing education I’m giving myself.
Developing a deep appreciation for how human societies function, the history of innovation and human living standards, how one creates value, organizes people and resources for great goals - these are non-trivial topics that, if well understood, can yield substantial returns in one’s work and life.
In the current era we’re long on short summaries and clever Tweetstorms and short on time invested in deeply understanding complex interwoven topics. Here I hope to share resources that can be consumed thoughtfully and with substantial consideration to generate one’s own deeper insight.
I love reading things that make me feel optimistic and ambitious. Not necessarily ambitious in a narrow or selfish sense, rather cultivating a desire to elevate my ambition for what we all as people can achieve together as a species.
My hope is that some of the books here either help you reify your dreams.
If you have suggestions for future sections or book recommendations please email me.